by Loreli | Dec 15, 2022 | Celebrate Connection, Stories
This interview is part of a series of stories we captured to commemorate 25 years of Young Parents ministry. It is a transcript of an interview we carried out between a current young dad in our program, Jordan McIntyre-Mars, and the ministry worker who supports him,...
by Loreli | Jun 9, 2020 | Hope that Helps, Young Moms
In this Hope that Helps interview, Loreli & Melat interview one of our young moms, Danella, about her experience during COVID-19 quarantine, what has given her hope, and what advice she has to offer other young parents.
by Loreli | May 26, 2020 | Hope that Helps
Our children and youth are at the greatest risk of exploitation. In this interview, Mik Gray of Fight 4 Freedom speaks to us about the importance of online safety – how to protect ourselves and our kids and how to find freedom when you’ve been caught in...