Young Moms

We offer support, encouragement and hope to pregnant and parenting moms, ages 15-25.
Give OnlinePrograms for Mom

.Programs for YOUNG Moms

It was really nice to know that there was a group of people who would welcome me with open arms and understood the situation I was in.

Toronto Young Moms Team Leader Maimunat Ajayi


Tuesday Evenings
6:30-8:00 p.m.

Join our Toronto Young Moms group for interesting and relevant discussions about life and parenting from a faith-based perspective. You’ll also enjoy guest speakers, life skills workshops, and have fun too! We’re here to offer support on your journey.  Our group runs weekly on Tuesday evenings from October to June.  Our weekly program offers childcare and is free to all participants.

Register here for more details!

Leader: Maimunat (Mimi) Ajayi



The Stone Church – Danforth Campus

Etobicoke Young Moms Leader Stephanie Ironside


10:00-11:30 A.m.

Our Etobicoke Young Moms group offers a weekly program that runs from October to June, with social meet-ups throughout the summer. We have fun, interesting and relevant discussions about life and parenting from a faith-based perspective as well as special events, guest speakers and one-to-one mentoring. Our weekly program provides childcare and is free to all participants.

 Register here for more details!

Leader: Stephanie Ironside 


Capstone Community Church

Durham Young Moms Leader Lee Sommerfeldt


WEDNESDAY mornings
10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Our Durham (Oshawa) Young Moms group offers a weekly program that runs from October to June, with social meet-ups throughout the summer. We have fun, interesting and relevant discussions about life and parenting from a faith-based perspective as well as special events, guest speakers and one-to-one mentoring. Our program provides childcare and is free to all participants.

 Register here for more details!

Leader: Lee Sommerfeldt 


Trinity Pentecostal Church

Emma Annesley Young Moms Scarborough


WEDNESDAY afternoons
1:00-2:30 P.m.

Our Scarborough Young Moms group is a bi-weekly drop-in where young moms and their child(ren) can enjoy a safe and encouraging environment. This casual time together will involved healthy snacks, guest speakers, relevant discussion about life and parenting from a Christian perspective, and connection with other moms and their children. 

Register here to join us!

Leader: Emma Annesley 


*Currently meeting online*


Tuesday evenings
6:30-8:00 P.M.

Our Brampton Young Moms group offers a weekly program that runs from October to June, with social meet-ups throughout the summer. We have fun, interesting and relevant discussions about life and parenting from a faith-based perspective as well as special events, guest speakers and one-to-one mentoring. Our weekly program provides childcare and is free to all participants.

 Register here for more details!

Leader: Angelica Hasicic


Bramalea Free Methodist Church

Contact Us

Young Parents

A program of
Youth Unlimited Toronto

95 Jonesville 
Toronto, ON
M4A 1H5

(416) 383-1229 ext. 7232